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ENDEAVOUR 'White Star' carbon fibre hard shell violin case

"Love is not love, without a violin playing goat." -Julia Roberts

NZD $259


Endeavour "White Star" 4/4 size Carbon Fibre lightweight violin case.

Strong and durable carbon fibre case.

NEW and improved design. Extra slim, and extra strong!

The Endeavour "White Star" carbon fibre violin case was designed to fill a long-felt need by violinists for a light, strong and portable case, and to be the ideal violin travel case. It is extremely light-being made of a high-grade composite carbon fibre that not only protects but insulates the instrument as well. The exterior is wrapped in sun/heat reflecting durable vinyl wrap to help keep your precious violin cool on hot days. Includes subway handle, and detachable shoulder straps for ease of transport. Violinists who spend a lot of time travelling will appreciate the subway handle. The interior is plush-lined and fully padded with a full suspension feature to cradle the instrument. The fully arched top reinforcements the geometrical structure of the case to ensure the ultimate protection for the instrument and peace of mind for the player.

Material: Composite carbon fibre
Weight: 2.5kg
Water resistant
Straps x2
Bow holders x4
Internal shoulder rest and accessory pouch (removable)
Extra Subway Handle

Combination locks


Dimensions (outside):
Length: 785mm
Width: 245mm
Height: 130mm

Dimensions (inside):
Total length: 760mm
Length: 720mm (scroll end to lower cushion)
Violin body length area: 365mm
Width: 225mm
Height: 125mm

"Just wanted to let you know, the case just arrived and my daughter is soooo pleased with it!"

You are welcome to visit "The String Workshop" in Mairangi Bay and try before you buy.